Big Warning!: For All Serious & Prepared Investors/Traders -

How To Use A Simple Calculator To “Predict” The Next Market KEY Level? 

Careful!, March to May 2021 Could WitnesHuge Volatility In Gold & Equity Market.

We Will Explain More In the Coming LIVE Preview!

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Public Market Analysis & Outlook (MAO) & TWB Preview:

Live Preview
27 February 2021

Saturday 10 am (Singapore Time)

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Since start of August 2020, I repeatedly warned traders about my growing concern on the rising Gold market.

 Everyone went rushing to buy Gold. Analysts and Economists were looking at US$3000to even US$5000 per 100 Ounces.  
It was absurd speculation and irresponsible forecast.

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It went on to break All-Time-High (ATH), mounting past US$1976 to US$2074. 

On 7th August 2020, I posted on our TWB Facebook Page and mentioned that Gold is going to come off really soon. It caused a stirred among traders because everyone was looking at much higher level.

 I received many concern messages and texts but I remained steadfast with my view because I have experienced such patterns too many times.

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Not only we shorted near the ATH, we also booked profits before the rebound and we do it as a Community. Did your Trading Community give you such incredible support?

How To KNOW Key Technical Levels With A Calculator!?

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Since start of Jan 2021, I shared with my TWB students on how to use a simple calculator to “mathematically predict” the next support levels of GOLD and we arrived with US$1762. 

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On 19th Feb 2021, Gold’s Low was $1760 before closing at $1784! It was insanely accurate!!

What If I am going to share with you on HOW to get the next KEY levels on the DOW, S&P and NASDAQ. Would you like to get this Simple, Easy “Trade Secret” from me? 

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Real Student Results!
$4.483 USD Profits in 1 day!

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Exactly as predicted during the live MAO Sessions.

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$8000 USD Profits in 1 Trade longing the Gold.

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Why Zhang Yao Dong Is Using TradeWitheBoys - TWB System

An avid trader, Zhang was seeking for a good trading system. He was frustrated with the big boys manipulating the market and his trading decision often came too late. Since using Trade With The Boys - TWB system, Zhang’s trade performance increases with more accuracy and confidence. 
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Our Graduates

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Paid For Courses & Still Making Losses

"11 Straight Loss To 80%-85% Win Rate"

11 Straight Loss To 80%-85% Win Rate
Sales Executive Followed Gurus, Paid Gurus Courses, Watch Youtube Videos And Still Loss 11 Trades In A Row.

Within First Hour Of Using Trade With The Boys System Was The Best Trade Of His Life.

Profit Better When No Prior Experience

"Surprise She Was Able To Make Daily Income"

Mei, Beginner Was Shocked She Was Able To Make Daily Income
30 Years In MNC, No Experience Trading Nor Financial Background.

Learn Trade With The Boys Because She Was Upset That Her Husband Lost Money.

Her Advantage Was That She Did Not Have To Unlearn Like Other Experienced Traders

Unlearn 5 Years Of TA & FA Before Profit

"Unlearned 5 Years Of FA & TA Experience"

Ron Unlearned 5 Years Of FA & TA Experience To Finally Succeed
5 Year Trading Experience, Paid A Few Courses That Are Based On Technical & Fundamental Analysis And Most Of The Time He Was Still Making Losses.

Why Following TA & FA using RSI & Stochastic Puts Him In A Losing Position.

 Never Positive Until Now

"Trades Finally Turn Into Positive"

11 Straight Loss To 80%-85% Win Rate
After Many Losses, His Trades Started Turning Positive And This Has Never Happened Before Until Trade With The Boys.

He Had To Unlearned All The Technical Analysis.

Clear Cut Rules To Trade

"Complicated Rules To Clear Cut"

Mei, Beginner Was Shocked She Was Able To Make Daily Income
25 Years Engineer Discovers Clear Cut Rules To Trade By Following The Big Boys

He Has Difficulty Following The Previous Trainer Strategy Because It Was Not Very Clear Cut.

Now Just Strictly Follow The Rules To Trade Profitably

80% Loss to 80% Win

"Trading Starts To Turn Around"

Ron Unlearned 5 Years Of FA & TA Experience To Finally Succeed
Sales Engineer From Netherlands.

Skeptical At First Because It Looked Too Easy.

After 1 Day Workshop, His Went From Losing 80% To 80% Winning.

Live Preview
27 February 2021

Saturday 10 am (Singapore Time)

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